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Wisdom floral X Esjay

At Esjay we are about supporting the “little guys” - the hustlers, the “let’s make this work-ers”, the people who try more times than they fail! 

When we heard about Wisdom, a local artist, we thought she fitted this mould perfectly!  We all know how hard it is to “make it” as an artist, but this has not stopped her passion and drive to do so! 

Joburg based, Wisdom catches buses to markets all over the country to showcase her talent. The time, cost and sacrifice this takes is truly admirable. 

I think we can all take a page out of her book - a real example of perseverance and dedication. 

We hope that when you wear the “wisdom floral” Esjay range, you remember to celebrate “the little guys”, and the grit it takes to “make it” in the fast paced “digital” world we live in



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